Training cycle for psychologists, behavioral therapists and early development specialists


Psychologists, living in the Samegrelo region, teachers of children with special needs, early development specialists and behavioral therapists were given the opportunity to participate in the training course which was organized by Atinati and led by the trainers of the Slovak organization "Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology

The training course included the following topics:
1. From integration to inclusion;
2. Inclusive model of education;
3. Family and school environment;
4. Identifying and removing barriers in education;
5. Practical activities – inclusive daily routine in kindergarten;
6. Pedagogical diagnostics - step by step;
7. Observation, monitoring and identification of various educational needs of children;
8. How to adapt the curriculum for a diverse group of children;
9. After analyzing the needs, the specific subject of the presentation will be added;

The training was attended by 22 participants.

The project is implemented by the association Atinati in partnership with the Slovak organization Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology and with the

financial assistance of SlovakAid - Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic and the support of the Embassy of Slovakia in Georgia.