USAID Civic Education Program is funded by USAID



USAID Civic Education Program is funded by USAID, the United States Agency for International Development. The program is implemented by American Organization PH International. The program is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia. In Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region, the program is implemented by association “Atinati”;

 Program duration: 2022-2027

 Project goal: Education of young people with high civic consciousness, involved in civil processes; The program envisages the introduction of technologies in the teaching-learning process of civic education, the promotion of the development of democratic culture in schools, and the connection of businesses and schools.

Program components:

  • Strengthening student self-government and democratic involvement in schools;

  • Engaging the private sector to promote civic education in schools;

  • Active use of technologies in the process of civic education and democratic engagement;

Civil Education Teachers' Forum

  • Promotion of increasing the competence of teachers

  • National award of civic education teacher

  • Strengthening the democratic involvement of students

  • Creation of supporting resources

  • Policy Advocacy

  • Conference - Democratic School

Givi Zaldastanishvili American Academy in Tbilisi

  • Online courses

  • Student Self-Government Network

  • sharing experience


  • web portal

  • Online courses

  • Digital projects

  • Hackathons

  • Summer schools

Resonance, USA

  • Private Sector Advisory Board

  • Private sector engagement strategy

  • Innovation Fund

  • Internship of students

  • Meetings of entrepreneurs with students

  • School-business forums

  • Student visits to companies

Target group:

Students of the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh grades of 74 partner schools from Samegrelo Zemo-Svaneti Region, civic education teachers and directors of the same schools;