Fairtogether-ConnAct for peaceeducationin South Caucasus


Fairtogether-ConnAct for peaceeducationin South Caucasus. 
The project is supported by funds from the Federal Foreign Office trough ifa (@Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen eV) in line with the Zivik Funding Programme and implemented by Act for Transformation's Caucasus Office, ATINATI, Armenian Progressive Youth & Sağlam Düşüncə Gənclər Təşkilatı • SDGT. 

Project Aim:

The practical non-formal educational methodology “fairtogether” supports development ofpro-social, teamwork and intercultural skills,deeper understanding of violence and non-violence and to find strategies for solving interpersonal conflicts non-violently.
It was developed by act for transformation,adapted with its partners to context of SouthCaucasus and is based on the exercises of theAlternatives to Violence Project (AVP).


•    Youth Fairtogether workshops;
•    Summer camp;
•    Dialogue platform for peace education with youth;

fairtogether includes interactive pedagogicalexercises, energizers, discussions, role-plays and reflections. The learning approach is basedon sharing, reflecting and on experiences ofthe participants.

Main topics covered are:

• Positive affirmation;
• Effective communication;
• Cooperation and teamwork;
• Solving conflicts non-violently;
• Tolerance and Diversity;
• Civil courage;