Youth Participation and Development


The project "Youth Participation and Development" is implemented by the Association "Atinati" in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Project duration: 2023-2024

Project goal:

●    Develop critical thinking and leadership skills among youth.
●    Enhance the capabilities of youth groups by developing their independent thinking, information analysis, data generation, and research skills. 

Project components:

●    Thematic schools
●    Trainings for students
●    Trainings and workshops for teachers
●    Meeting with interesting guests
●    Study visits
●    Young radio journalists' studio
●    Radio programs
●    Exchange visits between schools
●    Thematic club meetings
●    School initiatives 

Target group: 

Seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh-grade students from 10 partner public schools in Zugdidi municipality, as well as thematic club teachers and principals from these schools.
Partner schools:
●    Odishi Public School
●    Chkhoria Public School
●    Kakhati Public School
●    Rukhi Public School
●    Shamgona Public School
●    Akhalsopeli Public School
●    Akhalabastumani Public School
●    Abkhazia N11 Public School
●    Didinedzi Public School
●    Darcheli Public School