Skills for Employment and Cooperation – Tailoring Opportunities for Regions of Georgia


Skills for Employment and Cooperation – Tailoring Opportunities for Regions of Georgia (SECTORs) is funded by the European Union for Georgia. Project is implementing by the consortium: Guria Youth Resource Center (applicant), Association „ATINATI“, Georgian Farmers’ Association, Institute of Democracy. 

The project Goal is: 

To improve employability and employment of disadvantaged community members through promoting sartorial partnership, entrepreneurial learning and innovative approaches to contribute economic development of the project target regions of Georgia.


SO#1: Implement demand-driven learning, skills development and capacity building programs for project target disadvantaged groups, local businesses and training providers; 
SO#2: Create employment opportunities for target group members in local economic sector by strengthening existing businesses and supporting the establishing new enterprises; 
SO#3: Standardize skills and best practices by strengthening business clusters created within the project and introduce innovative approaches. 

Target Regions:

Guria, Ajara and Samegrelo  - Three municipalities in each Region. 

Target Group: 

Youth – early school leavers     
Lower income families 
Young not in education     
Women experiencing educational, social and economic obstacles     
Local businesses     
Consulting organizations;     


Objective #1:
Research (both field and desk) to understand labor market needs and demand in local economic sector including its growth potential 
Demand driven educational and capacity building programs for the target group members 
Coaching and capacity building programs for the project target group members – 90 participants
Work Based Learning (WBL) program - 15 participants
Non-formal education training courses- 45 participants
Professional Internship in private companies - 45 participants
Regional Forum/Job fair

Objective #2:
Strengthening existing businesses to support employment of the target group members
Strategic grant program for local businesses – minimum 2 organizations funded (2500 – 6000 Euros) 
Offering entrepreneurial learning for the disadvantaged target group members
Small grant program to support start-ups established by the disadvantaged target group members - at least 15 initiatives supported in each region (500-5000 Euros) 
Summer School for Students interested in rural economic development – 30 participants 
Alumni grant program for summer school participants – at least two sub-grants for each region (250-2000 Euros)

Objective #3:
  Establishment and operation of the Business Cluster 
  Developing the strategic plans of the clusters established in each region 
  Study tour for the cluster member sector representatives in Germany 
  Supporting the initial activities of the Clusters
  Establishment of the social enterprise as part of the cluster chain