Civic Educational Program “Future Generation”


Civic Educational Program “Future Generation”, funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

The program is implanted by American organization PH International. The program is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia. In Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region the program is implemented by Associaction “Atinati”;

The program is ongoing from January 2018 till 30 May of 2021;

The program goal is to promoting youth civic participation and increasing the role of civil society for transparent and accountable governance at national and local levels, which is achieved through the institutionalization of the teaching of civic education in schools and the application of what has been learned in practice.
The program promotes the quality of civic education in schools and the practical application of knowledge gained by students in civic education lessons, educating informed and responsible citizens

There are created civic educational clubs in every partner school, they implement different kinds of projects: healthy lifestyle, bulling, gender equality, early marriage,  ecology, promoting local tourism potential etc. From 2018 we implemented 192 projects;

The main direction is to plan and implement classroom projects. The schoolchildren from ninth and tenth grades plan and implement classroom projects with their teacher. The projects are: Gender equality, early marriage, election, human rights, researches, violence against women etc. From 2018 we implemented 384 projects; 

15 small grants were financed and implemented in the framework of the project

Target group:

Schoolchildren of  32 partner schools, civic education teachers and principals.