Youth Participation and Development


Youth Participation and Development”. 

Project is Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project is implemented by UNICEF and UNDP. In Samegrelo region partner is,, ATINATI”.
Project Implementation period: 2013-2021 Years.
Partner organizations: Association, ATINATI”
Target Regions: Samegrelo;

Aim of the project: 

Enhance social integration of young people in conflict affected areas through the promotion of confidence building and engagement among young people affected by the conflict

Target Groups: 

•     Young people affected by the conflict;
•    Partner schools, Teachers da students;
•    Parents;
•    Local Community;

Activities according to tasks:

#1Youth club members have information about mission, goals and organizational structure of host business and Non Governmental organizations, knowledge about working in new environment. They have improved skills of effective communication, working in team, organizing events and have professional experience to cooperate with other organizations, learn more about themselves and their career opportunities. 

 #2: Youth club members are open, motivated and eager to learn more about MST, Ecological and HLS, civil Education and foreign languages. Club leader teachers have improved skills and knowledge to conduct clubs and to coordinate implementation of club initiatives.
    Meeting with the interesting guests;
    Study visits;
    Photo-Essay competition;
    Club initiatives;
    Exchange visits between schools;
    Radio-shows;
    Consultation between colleagues;

#3:  Students involved in the project are aware and have knowledge about conducting business communication, disaster risk reduction, volunteerism,advocacy, conflict and time management, gender equality, domestic violence and bulling. 
•    Youth club members have opportunities to attend trainings on different topics;